logotipo Ayuntamiento de Córdoba


Museo Baños del Alcázar Califal


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Room's Map

The cold water Room. The Body purification Audiodescription.

The cold water Room. The Body purification

You are in the cold water room. It has a quadrangular layout. On the wall to your right there is a hole (closed for the public) that gives access to a small and narrow rectangular hall. It was used as a latrine. To the left, through a narrow and short hole in the middle of the original wall, and a not very steep ramp you will access the next room: the lukewarm water room.
There was a sense of spiritual renewal when the body came into contact with water in the cold room. There were basins and latrine at users’ disposal, they were also provided with towels and «alcorques» (shoes with soles made of cork to avoid slipping or get burned). Steam, sweating and massages were the most important cleansing method in Arabic thermal baths; therefore, there was usually no immersion in water. The warm water pool was used as a therapeutic remedy for the sick.
The latrines of the Caliphal thermal baths were located in small rooms which had a bench and an underground clean-up system.

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Baths of the Caliphate Castle. Plaza Campo Santo de los Mártires s/n. 14004 Córdoba

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