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Museo Baños del Alcázar Califal


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The Al-andalus garden (5 of 5)

It was possible to gain access to the Taifa hall through a garden that reflected the Muslim conception of paradise. Two channels divided it into four parts. There was a fountain in the centre of the garden. Hydraulic engineering and irrigated agriculture were strongly developed in the Moorish Iberia.
The garden was in front of the hall; its ground was lower than the portico's flooring. This made the tree tops to be at the same level as the visitors.
They probably planted orange trees, lemon trees, myrtles and aromatic plants were possibly, the garden was turned into a pleasure for the senses. The aqueduct situated on the city walls supplied the tanks located close to the baths with water. There was also a cistern made of bricks for irrigation.

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Baths of the Caliphate Castle. Plaza Campo Santo de los Mártires s/n. 14004 Córdoba

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