logotipo Ayuntamiento de Córdoba


Museo Baños del Alcázar Califal


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Decoration of the reception hall (4 of 5) Audiodescription.

Decoration of the reception hall (4 of 5)

The Taifa era was famous for its enormous wealth, culture and promotion of arts and sciences. This is present in its architectural remains, epigraphy and decorative arts. However, it is the African and eastern influences which gave it its characteristic style. The Taifas used flexible and fragile material: stucco and wood instead of marble in the decoration, and bricks instead of stone in the construction of palaces. The great glass windows are typical decorative elements in their art. This piece is a hypothetical reconstruction of the glass window which decorated the Taifa hall.

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Baths of the Caliphate Castle. Plaza Campo Santo de los Mártires s/n. 14004 Córdoba

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