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Museo Baños del Alcázar Califal


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Works of the Caliphal era (1 of 5) Audiodescription.

Works of the Caliphal era (1 of 5)

1. - This piece was a part of a sundial dated in the 10th Century. The inscriptions refer to different astronomical subjects with regards to different times of the year. These inscriptions show how advanced their science was and their ongoing concern to find the Mecca orientation.
2. - Piece number 2 is a fragment of a Roman sarcophagus. It was common to use Classical materials in thermal baths. Sarcophagi were usually used as water basins.
3. - This piece is the remaining part of a sandstone plate of the coating, belonging to the 10th Century. It has an epigraphic decoration with fragments of Kufic calligraphy.
4. - This piece is a 10th Century portable cooker. It is also related to activities carried out in the caliphal thermal bath.

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Baths of the Caliphate Castle. Plaza Campo Santo de los Mártires s/n. 14004 Córdoba

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