logotipo Ayuntamiento de Córdoba


Museo Baños del Alcázar Califal


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The Al-Andalus bath (2 of 2)

In the baths, heirs of the classic thermae, they attended to body purification as well as hygiene and aesthetic care. It was also a place of fun and socialising; its architecture sought privacy. The architectural decoration (columns, skirting board, latticework, embossing) or painting décor were noticeable in the royal baths, using rich materials, such as marble and alabaster.
Public baths are usually built to hold a large number of people. Lots of baths were property of the Mosque which would rent them and use the funds for their maintenance.
The baths were designed in an almost perfect way. From the Bayt al-Maslaj or changing room the bathers then enjoyed the the Bayt al-Barid or cold water room. The Bayt al-Wastany or lukewarm water room followed, here, they took vapours and were able to wash. After this, they had at their disposal the Bayt al-Sajun or hot water room with two washbasins; one for immersion and another to act as a shower.

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Baths of the Caliphate Castle. Plaza Campo Santo de los Mártires s/n. 14004 Córdoba

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